Saturday, January 05, 2008

Night Run in the Rain

I was at home watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding and lifting weights (I bought myself a weight set for Christmas) when the power cut out because of the storm we're having. Not to be discouraged, I figured it was a reasonable time (midnight) to go for a night run. It was fun! If it rained like this all the time in SoCal I might start running seriously again. Of course, I choose to live in SoCal preceisly b/c it does not rain like this all the time. Life is all about pros and cons. It seems the ankle injury I sustained last time I ran (a week ago) has healed itself.


Willow said...

Hmmm, I didn't realize you had injured your ankle. Glad it's better. We are home.

Mama Mia said...

Ooo, that sounds lovely! I wanted to go for a walk in the rain, but Tim and I are both sick, so he said that was a bad idea. sigh.

I hope you get the chance to enjoy running in the rain again soon! :o)

Kiti said...

"I was at home watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding and lifting weights" is one of the most fabulously evocative sentences ever penned (or here, typed) in the English language.

I am fully in support of running (or walking or dancing) in the rain, as long as it is WARM rain.

Kiti said...



Kiti said...

Deer Unkel Mike,
You are teribl at keping up yor blog. Plees post sumthing sune.

Nathan (yor nefew)