Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Metaverse 0.0

When Linden's Second Life first came out I had some hope it was the first step toward a real Metaverse ala Neal Stephenson. However, further reflection convinced me unless Second Life changes its business model it will never morph into the Metaverse. The problem is that while Second Life's "browser" is open source its server code is proprietary. Linden is the only entity that can host a Second Life world.

In the world I envision I can create a little world on my own computer and invite one, two, or many friends to join me in it; up to some number of people (10?) peer to peer networking is all that's necessary to keep data flowing and sync events. Beyond that a central server is probably necessary, but there's no need for the server protocol to be proprietary. VRML (X3D) was a good step in the right direction.

I'm going to take a look at 3B (a 3D browser) and the Croquet Project (wiki it) to see if they do some of the things I imagine a Metaverse doing.


Sloth of Doom said...

3B is retarted. Don't use it. Well, that's my recommendation. Feel free to form your own opinion :-P.

Mama Mia said...

I would form an opinion if only I knew what you were talking about... ;oP

loves! Hope to see you soon!

Sloth of Doom said...

As a sesquipedalean I eschew obfuscation.

Kiti said...

So does your mom.

Kiti said...

Ahem. Perhaps you can take a moment from your busy SuperScrabble schedule to post on your blog.